We all have questions and concerns about our health

Should I have an abortion? Am I eating too much? Why am I so depressed? Why can't we have children? Who will care for me when I'm dying?

The Human Journey is designed to help you think biblically about these and other matters of health and wellbeing.

If you're part of a church, a healthcare professional, or a student and want to think biblically about health, The Human Journey is for you.

There's a book; a course, with Study and Leader's guides; this website, as well as Facebook and Twitter pages. Also, do look at our Bible overview resource The Divine Drama, which sets the context for many of the arguments raised in the course.

NEW!! Purchase, stream and download all the course videos from our Vimeo channel.

'A well-considered and thought out contribution to the Church that is essential for non-medics who are wanting to understand a highly technical subject.'
Pastor Stephen Redman, The Ark, York
What does it mean to be human? Humans share common DNA with many members of the animal kingdom. Does that mean we are just animals? The Bible...
When does life begin? Throughout the Bible we see that human life is precious because we are made in God's image. But from...
What is marriage for? The Bible teaches that God created marriage and set out principles for how it should work. It provides companionship, the...
How should I live? Many of the factors that affect our health are things over which we have little control. However, we have a...
Am I supposed to feel like this? We now know much more about mental health than at any time before, and there have been huge advances in...
How should life end? People react to the prospect of death in several ways. Some live in denial, some try to fight it....
Are we playing God? Immortality and the elimination of disease appear to be goals the human race should aspire to. While Christians value...
Who is my neighbour? The huge gulf between rich and poor countries is having a massive impact on health and access to healthcare....


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