Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction: Issues of pastoral and counselling support

'The churches must ensure good quality pastoral care for all, says report': read CMF's press release on this title (December 2011)


As a Christian who has experienced same-sex attraction but who has chosen to move away from a gay identity, I found this paper deeply helpful. It sets out a framework for Christian ministry among people with same-sex attraction which is psychologically rigorous, theologically orthodox and pastorally sensitive. Such ministry is vital if the traditional Christian teaching on sex is to be the life-affirming force which God intends, and not a millstone around the neck of those who experience same-sex attraction. I therefore hope this paper will be widely read and implemented.
Rev Sean Doherty, Tutor in Ethics, St Mellitus College, London

An important step in moving the debate forward in both the church and wider society. It presents a clear challenge to those in positions of pastoral responsibility to encourage effective biblical and Christ-like support for those of us dealing personally with these issues, but also to be realistic about the current scientific consensus (or lack of it) in the area of the causation and malleability of sexual atraction. My prayer is it will help to stimulate a vital ongoing conversation in this area.
Rev Peter Ould, www.peter-ould.net

The authors present a scientifically credible and balanced defence of the rights of individuals who struggle with same-sex attractions to seek appropriate pastoral support or counselling. Those of us who choose not to embrace a gay identity or relationship, because of personal convictions of faith, must have freedom to seek help in ordering our sexual behaviour according to our beliefs.
Jonathan Berry, Director, True Freedom Trust


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