'In over thirty years as a Christian doctor and speaker only twice can I recall being asked to talk in any church about health. I hope The Human Journey will prompt many more churches to consider in depth this vital topic. If Christians are not in good health overall, the church suffers; if churches are not in good health overall, the whole nation suffers. A resource such as this is long overdue.'

Dr Trevor Stammers, Programme Director for Bioethics and Medical Law at St Mary's University, Twickenham

'The Human Journey will take you through the highs and lows of the Christian life from both a medical and biblical point of view. The chapter on mental health is well-balanced with helpful practical applications. I would recommend it for both personal reading and group study.'

Dr Rob Waller, Consultant Psychiatrist, Director of Mind and Soul

'This book is a must-read for those who are not connected to the health professions and an obvious reference for those who are. I believe this book makes a major contribution to the study we call "Christian World View"'.

Stephen Redman, Minister of The Ark Church, York

'The issues the Human Journey raises are of critical importance to the future of our culture in Britain. I wholeheartedly recommend this resource to individual Christians and to the wider church.'

Rico Tice, All Souls Church; Christianity Explored

'The Human Journey applies the plumb line of Scripture to contemporary health issues. When there are so many new treatments being offered through modern medicine, it is important that Christians are well-informed as they face decisions about personal health. The Human Journey also gives churches and church leaders vital guidelines to think through pastoral issues relating to health and wellbeing, and to engage effectively in debates on the medical ethical issues facing our society.'

Catherine Butcher, Author of Edith Cavell: Faith Before the Firing Squad


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