Here are some frequently asked questions about the Human Journey:

What is the Human Journey?

The Human Journey is an eight-part course laying out a biblical framework for engaging with issues relating to health. Through the course DVD, Dr Peter Saunders (CEO of Christian Medical Fellowship) presents clear teaching on eight key topics. A Leader's Guide and Study Guide provide stimulating and challenging material to help groups discuss these issues and engage with the Bible's teaching. The course is based on the book of the same name, which explores the issues in more depth.

Why is the Human Journey needed?

Everyone has questions and concerns about health. Every day sees advances in medical technology: where can we turn when faced with complex health decisions? How are Christians to engage with our changing world?

CMF has identified the need for clear biblical principles that will help Christians to engage wisely and sensitively with these issues. This course will help Christians and church communities to think through the major questions. The Bible is not a medical textbook, but it offers timeless principles that will guide us.

Who is the Human Journey for?

The Human Journey is designed to be relevant for all Christians and church communities. It is not a resource simply for those working in healthcare, although it will also help health professionals to think through how they can serve Christ in their work.

What topics does it cover?

We have chosen the following eight key topics because we think that, in one way or another, they encompass almost all the most important health-related issues.

  • Humanity: What does it mean to be human?
  • Start of Life: When does life begin?
  • Marriage & Sexuality: What is marriage for?
  • Physical Health: How should I live?
  • Mental Health: Am I supposed to feel like this?
  • End of Life: How should life end?
  • New Technologies: Are we playing God?
  • Global Health: Who is my neighbour?

How did CMF go about producing the Human Journey?

We've sought guidance and input from experts within their fields - both CMF staff and members of the wider fellowship - to ensure we are delivering a strong, biblically-sound and useful tool for the church. The resource draws on the expertise and insight represented in CMF publications over many years. We are now seeking to use this to bless the wider church.

What are the main aims of the Human Journey?

These resources have two main aims:

  1. To establish a biblical framework that will help Christians and churches engage wisely and sensitively with current issues relating to health.
  2. To encourage more effective incorporation of healthcare expertise into pastoral life and ministry.

What does the website offer?

There are valuable, peer-reviewed resources for further reading available at humanjourney.org.uk. You can also keep informed about events and training, sign up for updates, and connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.

What is the Christian Medical Fellowship?

The Christian Medical Fellowship exists to unite and equip Christian doctors to live and speak for Jesus Christ in medicine. Founded in 1949, CMF currently has a membership of over 4,500 doctors and around 1,000 medical students in the UK and Ireland. CMF is linked with over 70 similar bodies worldwide through the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA).

Our members come from many different Christian denominations and are united by faith in Jesus Christ, belief in the Bible as God's word, and a calling to healthcare. Find out more: www.cmf.org.uk


Sign up to The Human Journey newsletter for regular updates on The Human Journey resources to help you think biblically about health.


If you would like to support the ministry of The Human Journey, please consider a gift to help us grow and develop our resources. Thank you.
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