Michael Wenham was a very fit man. A former vicar, he used to cycle everywhere and play squash once a week.

Then he developed a very rare form of Motor Neurone Disease, and his life changed dramatically.

Living as a disabled man in a society increasingly threatening to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia, he's very keen to tell the world of his hope in Christ and his concern about any change in the law. For him life is precious. He may not be able to physically function like he used to, but he still recognises the value of his life and the lives of other vulnerable people.

Michael says: 'We all need to have hope. I think a society without hope is a dreadful place to live'.

This video would be a great discussion starter or extra resource to share with your Human Journey group.

For another example of faith in the face of health issues watch the story of Millie.


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