Christian Medical Fellowship is excited to be launching (17 November) a new resource designed to be used by churches, healthcare professionals and student groups.

The Human Journey - thinking biblically about health comprises a course (with Study and Leader's Guides), a DVD, a website and online community. It has been produced by the Communications Team at CMF and is based on a new book of the same name by CMF's CEO, Dr Peter Saunders.

The Human Journey has two main aims:

1. To establish a biblical framework that will help Christians and churches engage wisely and sensitively with current issues relating to health.

2. To encourage more effective incorporation of healthcare expertise into pastoral life and ministry.

We have chosen the following eight key topics because we think that, in one way or another, they encompass almost all the most important health-related issues.

Humanity: What does it mean to be human?

Start of Life: When does life begin?

Marriage & Sexuality: What is marriage for?

Physical Health: How should I live?

Mental Health: Am I supposed to feel like this?

End of Life: How should life end?

New Technologies: Are we playing God?

Global Health: Who is my neighbour?

We believe the Bible can address these areas because the same God who made us has revealed his will for our lives in his word. Scripture does not answer every question directly, but it leads us towards principles that help us to address the issues of our age.

As an additional resource, we have also produced a video version of the book's prologue, The Divine Drama, a Bible overview that explores the grand narrative of Scripture and lays the foundations for many of the themes covered in the course.

Producing The Human Journey has been a two-year process and we've sought guidance and expertise from experts within their fields - both CMF staff and members of the wider fellowship - to ensure we are delivering a strong, biblically-sound and useful tool for the Church.

We very much hope you and your church will benefit from The Human Journey.


Sign up to The Human Journey newsletter for regular updates on The Human Journey resources to help you think biblically about health.


If you would like to support the ministry of The Human Journey, please consider a gift to help us grow and develop our resources. Thank you.
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